OK, let’s get serious. There are few people interested in the contents of your email or mine. Maybe in the email contents of celebrities, political figures, military personnel, or the keepers of proprietary corporate information, but not in yours or mine. Yet, if a hacker can hack your email, that opens the door to hacking your bank accounts, brokerage accounts, credit cards, and other valuable assets as well as your private information such as healthcare records. Thus, it’s not just a matter of protecting what content you send and receive, it’s a matter of protecting your entire presence in the digital world.
RMail gives you the most complete suite of services to protect your email activities at a nominal cost. At the very least, you will do well to make RMail Inbox your email service provider. Secure email service for free. Hard to beat.
Are there other secure email services competing with RMail service? The answer is yes and no. There are plenty of closed enterprise and network systems that offer some of the secure email services that RMail does. But by definition, only those personnel on the closed enterprise or network systems can use such services (with each other). Such services do not extend beyond the enterprise or network, and personnel are left to use other means to make their email secure in the outside world.
Yes, there are secure email services that feature one secure technique that competes directly with one of the RMail services. But they are invariably inconvenient or do not work with all other email services and programs.
The significant reality is that the competing services are typically provided as a single service. Consequently, to get a full suite of services you will need to subscribe to several different secure email services. What RMail has to offer is not only the fact that it has invented and patented a powerful and convenient suite of secure email services but also that it can offer them as a package from one vendor (i.e., RMail) rather than one at a time from different vendors.
Keep in mind that the RMail suite of secure email services is universal; they work with any open email system and even with many closed systems. RMail is not only inexpensive, but it’s even pay-as-you-go for small users and individuals. It levels the playing field for all businesses, whether individuals, three-employee businesses, 200-employee businesses, or large enterprises. Thus, if you look at RMail services from this point of view, it would be hard for you to find any full-scale competition.
The purpose of this ebook is to promote secure email practices, not to disparage any particular company or companies that provide secure email services. Anything you can do to make your use of email more secure, you should do, even if it’s just using one service. But if you write a book on secure email, there is no better example and model than RMail services.
An analogy might be that if you write a book on word processing in 2018, you will probably not use Kingsoft Writer as the example. You will likely use Microsoft Word as the example because it’s the leading word processing software. Likewise, I’ve used RMail services as the model for this ebook on secure email.
For those of you who have been asleep as the digital tidal wave has washed over business and personal activities in America, it’s time to wake up. Hackers are getting more aggressive and more sophisticated. They’ve already stolen billions of dollars in loot and have created havoc in all kinds of business and nonbusiness activities. If you think you’re immune, you’re wrong. You’re just fodder for the next sophisticated hack that comes along, and anything sensible you can do to protect yourself you ought to do. And starting with email you can do some sensible things that this ebook has outlined.
Remember that your email is the cornerstone of your online security. Lose control of your email to a hacker and you lose control of your overall online security.