This chapter reviews the way certain businesses can use RMail services. Since most business have similar business and security needs, there is much overlap between different types of business in regard to such needs. Consequently, this chapter is not an exhaustive list of business and security features that each business can use. Rather, it gives examples of particular uses relevant to each type of business. For more exhaustive coverage of each business presented visit the RMail Solutions webpage:
Small Business
I believe I have documented how well RMail services can create a level playing field for small businesses that cannot afford expensive enterprise software. Such services make doing business more secure and more convenient yet at a low cost.
Most enterprises have the luxury of expensive business software with some features that may overlap with RMail. Yet Rmail can fit in well. You can tailor RMail service to suit your purposes and corporate situation without infrastructure changes or programming. Why reinvent the wheel to cobble together and integrate a series of secure services into the software you use? It’s easier to just add the RMail suite of services.
You can use RMail services as a standalone service, or you can use RMail services to supplement other software. RMail has over one hundred off-the-shelf configurations and settings to integrate RMail into your enterprise system. And RMail is universal in that it works with any email programs or services used by senders or recipients. Forrester Research rated RPost technology 5 out of 5, best in class for meeting legal and regulatory requirements worldwide. RMail services have been used in 180 countries by major companies in telecommunications, health, law, government, financial, insurance, and manufacturing.
And remember that email with RMail services is much more efficient and much less expensive than handling business with paper, registered mail, and Federal Express.
Support & Accounts
Notifications are important for support and account management professionals. RMail Registered Email service and encryption services enable professionals to document and prove when notifications were delivered and what content was delivered. RMail services provide convenience and efficiency in cases where compliance with laws, regulations, organizational guidelines, and corporate policies is crucial, providing the personnel doing the work with the proper tools necessary to get the work done well and in a timely manner.
Accelerating the selling processes by enabling timely follow-up, handling sensitive and high value information, and getting purchase orders and sales quotes signed without delay are essential to a well-tuned sales program. RMail Registered Email, encryption, and E-sign make the processes quick, easy, secure, and possible without resorting to slower physical means. And RMail does it all working with any email programs and systems used by senders and recipients.
For many industries the sales process can be long and involved with offers and counter offers, negotiations, special terms, and a final agreement typically embodied in a contract or other binding documentation. RMail services can assist this process by ensuring (1) that email delivery is made to customers, (2) what the content of the email messages are, and (3) providing ongoing record of communications that can be proven.
Tracking and timestamped proof of content delivered is critical for submitting proposals and responding to bid requests. Timestamped proof of content delivered is also essential to sending notice of updated terms and pricing associated with a customer account.
We tend to think of proof of service and proof of content as being something for litigation. When there is a disagreement, however, proof of service and proof of content to the other party is often enough to make them realize that they have overlooked your email or have been mistaken about its contents. And vice versa.
It’s not unusual for the sales force personnel to be responsible for contract management; that is, the negotiation of a contract up to the point where it signed and delivered. If any questions rise in regard to the final agreement and you have used RMail services, you have an unassailable record of the negotiations. For minor sales and minor contracts, such email security and record keeping may not always be necessary. But for high-value sales negotiations, and contracts, RMail makes the requisite records and assurances easy, convenient, and inexpensive.
And to accelerate the sales process, email is often better and more efficient than snailmail, phone calls (phone tag), or Federal Express. Indeed, the signature capability provided by RMail E-sign even makes contract signing quick and easy.
Human Resources
Human resources (HR) professionals handle a wide range of communications and documents, many of which are highly confidential and must comply with laws, regulations, and corporate guidelines. The RMail suite of services makes the job of HR professionals easier and more efficient and makes auditing HR digital “paperwork” less burdensome. With so many communications and documents, SideNotes makes following up by HR personnel easier too.
Failure to adhere to professional HR practices including confidentiality can often result in unwanted disputes or litigation. Therefore, it is imperative that human resources have not only keep excellent records but also use secure email practices that can ensure delivery and proof of content of all records, notifications, and publications.
RMail encryption is particularly useful for ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations related to communications with employee health benefit plans and electronic delivery of pay slips.
When hiring or terminating employees, proof of delivery is essential to record transmission of HR manuals, government mandated booklets, final pay analyses, and other publications.
But what about small businesses and even individuals with one or two employees? RMail services can be, in effect, their enterprise communication system. If all communications are via email, RMail services can provide the necessary record keeping as well as assurance of delivery and proof of content, not only for normal communications but also for required notices and publications.
Contract Management
Keeping records of negotiations, communications, documents, and contract performance is crucial to business activities and to avoiding and resolving disputes. It’s crucial work which must be done with diligence and attention to detail.
Provable record-keeping, assurance and proof of delivery, and digital signatures are essential to the sales process, as outlined in the Sales section above. But once an agreement is signed in the form of a contract, purchase order, or another document, that’s not the end of the story.
Commercial agreements must be monitored for performance, both the performance of the other party and the performance of the business organization. And it’s sometimes necessary for independent parties to verify performance based on contract management records.
Consequently, managing contracts can be a busy activity including ongoing communications between the parties. Often contract provisions are complex, sensitive, and confidential. It’s not unusual that they contain proprietary information, customer information, and high value information that should not be leaked. RMail services can provide the secure email services you need to practice contract management conveniently, securely, and effectively. RMail is endorsed by the International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM).
RMail services can work together with enterprise contract management software to provide the security that the contract management software may be unable to furnish. On the other hand, for small businesses and individuals, RMail services alone may constitute a viable option to keep verifiable and secure records via email that supports the contract management process.
RMail services provide an all-in-one messaging capability for state, federal, and overseas governments and courts. It has been used by agencies in the Federal government, such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO), since 2003 and complies with the federal E-SIGN Act and state Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA). It allows for efficiency and cost-cutting while providing certification of delivery and ongoing records. In particular, regulators find use pf Registered Email proof of delivery as a way to reduce costs associated with certified mail for notices from regulators to business and far better than attaching a PDF to an email message, which does not provide tracking, proof, or accountability.
RMail services fit many e-Gov requirements for direct delivery of services, efficiency, and authentication. It’s available from AT&T on their GSA IT schedule. And custom Registered Email banners are available for government entities.
As most people know, the healthcare industry goes to extremes to comply with HIPAA facing civil and even criminal penalties for non-compliance. RMail services provides compliance while making communications easier because RMail can be used by any email programs or systems of the senders or recipients. But there’s more to healthcare than compliance. The communications in healthcare are often quite important because they affect patients’ wellbeing. Therefore, the reliability of RMail service through its certifications of delivery and content and the records thereby established provide assurance that communications are effective.
RMail’s characteristic ease of use and record keeping make it handy for responsible communication, HIPAA compliance, compliance audits, and cost-cutting. Unlike the closed systems that some healthcare organizations employ, RMail works as normal email and can be used by all email programs and email systems; that is, it’s email that patients and healthcare professionals will read. The Registered Receipt record returned for every encrypted email message provides auditable proof of fact of HIPAA data privacy compliance for each message sent.
Telecom Carriers
Telecoms have a particular problem in that pricing and the effective dates of changes provide the ongoing generation of disputes. It’s a matter of what notification was given when? RMail Registered Email has resolved such disputes before they reach litigation. Further, telecom carriers benefit from the simple use of E-sign to record sign off on service change requests.
The insurance industry has been a user of RMail Registered Email from the beginning. Notification is extremely important for the insurance industry. That includes notifications of binding coverage, date of coverage, scope of coverage, and discontinued coverage. Notifications may go to brokers, agents, and directly to customers. In addition, the insurance contracts themselves must be delivered and payments collected often with acknowledgement to customers that payment has been made.
Communications within the insurance business are often subject to government agency regulations and even industry guidelines. And in the healthcare industry, health insurance communications may to be subject to HIPAA. The capability to get digital signatures (e.g., E-sign) is important to an industry that often thrives upon quick negotiations, quick quotes, and immediate provision of insurance.
Insurance companies have enterprise software for their personnel to use. Nonetheless, insurance companies have to deal with people and organizations beyond the reach of the enterprise system, such as brokers, customers, appraisers, independent claims adjusters, and others. Thus, RMail services are important to the insurance industry, and many of the major insurance companies have used RMail services for almost two decades. RMail service provides a supplement to whatever enterprise software the insurance companies use.
Insurance agents and brokers use RMail services to get the secure email services that an insurance company’s enterprise software does not provide to them. This includes not only secure email communication with customers, but also with claims adjusters and the like. And RMail E-sign facilitates the timely signature needed for many insurance contracts. RMail is endorsed by the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers.
Attorneys and Accountants
Attorneys have a fiduciary obligation to keep information and data about their clients confidential, indeed secret. Yet, I’m dismayed by the number of attorneys I’ve talked with who use unsecure email with no protection at all.
An example of why this might be tantamount to malpractice is that typically the transmission between an attorney’s email program and the email server is the most likely place a hacker might intercept and read email messages addressed to a targeted client. This is particularly true for medium and small law firms that cannot afford the enterprise software and IT staff to make their email as hackproof as possible.
Consequently, if an adverse party or other malevolent actor hires a hacker to break into an attorney’s digital system to find out information about one of the attorney’s clients, that hacker may accomplish the task.
Suppose, however, that an attorney uses RMail Inbox. Email goes encrypted from the attorney’s email program to the RMail email server (SSL) and likely on to the recipient’s email server (TLS). Thus, if a hacker did intercept one of the attorney’s email messages, the hacker would be unable to read it. The next target of such a hacker would be to intercept the email messages of the recipient (the attorney’s client). That’s beyond the control of the attorney, however, except for the use of RMail Message-Level encryption
The point to be made here is that the use of RMail Inbox or RMail Web by an attorney goes a long way towards making an attorney’s email messages to clients secure. So why not use it? If automatic encryption is not secure enough, attorney can always use Message-Level encryption, which ensures secure email all the way to the recipient’s email program.
Aside from RMail Inbox, it’s is almost self-evident as you name off the RMail services that each one is something that attorneys should be using routinely. RMail Registered Email for notices and service; RMail Message-Level encryption for sensitive and high-value email messages, if not all email, to clients; RMail E-sign for documents that attorneys need to get signed; and RMail LargeMail transfer for large documents, exhibits, and the like. RMail service it appears was made for attorneys, perhaps more so than any other profession or industry.
Today, the typical attorney protection for client emails is a statement at the bottom the email that says something to the effect that, “If this email is not addressed to you, don’t read it.” Really? An attorney should not wait for a malpractice suit; he or she should institute secure email practices without delay.
I should note, of course, that many law firms, particularly large law firms, use software systems operated by an IT department or an IT professional. Such systems undoubtedly have some degree of security administered by IT personnel. It is unlikely, however, that such security is as easy, convenient, secure and cost-effective as RMail service.
Conveniently, RMail services provide individual attorneys, small law firms, medium-size law firms, and even large enterprise law firms with the effective and inexpensive tools to establish secure email practices that are painless and inexpensive. The good news for smaller firms is that it levels the playing field. The good news for larger firms is that it provides a secure system that supplements an existing system, works with all other systems, and is simple and inexpensive to implement.
Finally, wherever there are laws or regulations that govern email as used by attorneys to communicate with their clients, it is likely that RMail service meets those laws and regulations. Indeed, the international laws and regulations governing the use of email by business have been modeled on RMail services. RMail services are endorsed by twenty major bar associations across the US and also used by federal agencies for legal matters.
Accountants, particularly Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), are similar to attorneys in their handling of client information. Email security is paramount. So I won’t repeat all the information provided above. Still, accountants should read it.
The accounting profession is a little bit unique in that accountants acquire a lot of information from their clients and then translate it into a different format. For instance, accountants receive raw information and then distill it into financial reports, tax returns, and the like.
For that reason, it may not be enough for accountants to have secure email practices that are simply one way (sender to recipient). They need to be able to receive information from their clients in a secure manner too. Consequently, RSign has the potential to aid accountants to gather client information online in a secure manner without worrying about what security their clients use, if any. The creative use of RSign enables accountants to gather specific information from clients via templates (forms) in order to provide clients secure transmittal of information. RSign makes forms easy to create and manage and eliminates the need for paper questionnaires.
Real Estate
There are not very many consumer businesses where the value of each transaction is as high-value as it is in real estate. Homes and commercial property sales are high-value transactions and so are land, commercial leases, and residential leases. Real estate transactions also require a high degree of confidentiality. Consequently, it makes sense to conduct real estate sales, negotiations, and closings with secure email.
Almost everybody recognizes that real estate transactions are prone to delays and get strung out over time, more so than anyone anticipated. For that reason, speeding up the communications in a real estate transaction by using email makes a lot of sense. But confidentiality is also important, and making the use of secure email is the professional way to operate in real estate.
Since real estate agents are the key personnel in creating real estate transactions (making sales), they can use RMail service to keep a record of negotiations, send contracts, revise contracts, and otherwise communicate with confidence and security up to the point that a real estate contract is signed. For the final signing, they can use RMail E-sign to get buyers and sellers to sign immediately online. Moreover, agents can use RSign to create contracts that buyers, sellers, and agents can fill in and sign online with complete security.
In short, RMail service can speed up the sales-negotiation process, ensure security, and provide a provable record of what transpired. This levels the playing field for small real estate firms, because anyone can use RMail service productively and inexpensively. It’s also a benefit to larger real estate companies because RMail service can be a low-cost add-on to an existing business software.
Once a real estate transaction is under contract, the party begins. And it’s a big party. To close a real estate deal takes a title-escrow company or real estate attorney, lender, appraiser, inspector, and often a host of other experts related to operation of real state.
In a real estate company of any size at all, there’s a staff that enables salespeople to hand off their transactions under contract to people who do the work of making sure the deal closes (is completed). Managing real estate under contract is a high-value and confidential activity requiring secure communication.
In this phase of a real estate transaction having a complete and accurate record is important. Hence, RMail services for real estate companies and all the other actors in the transaction enables the real estate business to be done in a safe, secure, and timely manner. Email communications can speed up the process, solve problems quickly, and get the job done securely without resorting to an expensive, cumbersome, and slow means, such as Federal Express.
But it’s not just real estate companies that need to use RMail secure email service. Title companies, attorneys, appraisers, lending officers, and others all need to be able to communicate quickly and securely at internet speed in the expanding digital world. In addition, there is an ongoing requirement to comply with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regulations, such as TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) in regard to lending.
The RMail anti-whaling email imposter protection is critical to alert all those who are part of the real estate transaction of a potential attempt to lure participants into wiring funds to the imposter bank account. Such wire fraud attacks have been very lucrative for internet criminals.
Again, RMail services provide a common denominator for small real estate firms, large real estate firms, real estate-related businesses to participate in real estate transactions. RMail services require little training, can be used with any software by senders and recipients, and is inexpensive.
RMail is endorsed by the Real Estate Service Providers Council (RESPRO).
An unsecured loan made on the basis of someone’s credit worthiness is a reasonably simple transaction. Nonetheless, government regulations may require that disclosures and representations to the borrower be made, provable records be kept of the transaction, proof of deliver be part of the record, and the details be kept private. In addition, the financial information involved, such as financial statements, tax returns, and sensitive data, must be kept private. As more and more of the lending process is done online, secure email to facilitate such transactions becomes increasingly important.
If collateral is put up for the loan, the complications multiply. Even such standard collateral as an automobile requires extra “paperwork” in comparison to an unsecured loan, and there may be even more governmental disclosures and requirements.
Collateral can make a loan very complex. Even a simple home purchase with a mortgage is unduly complex and requires a variety of documents. A mortgage loan for a house requires appraisals, inspections, deeds, mortgage documents, casualty insurance, title insurance, disclosures and notices based on governmental regulations, and sundry other documents. All these must be transmitted and signed with a high degree of privacy and comply with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regulations, such as TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) and other government regulations. And it takes a full suite of secure email services to make it all happen quickly. Indeed, loan processes are more and more done at least partially online today.
In securities brokerage you can use RMail service to comply with Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) regulations and a myriad of other regulations. And commercial banking from the simplest transaction (e.g., credit card) to the most complex is subject to regulations requiring provable records of communications, disclosures, and due diligence. RMail service is a low-cost reliable means to comply.
Much lending is done on the basis of a simple commitment letter or phone call, and it’s therefore very important to have a record of the negotiations. With RMail service a record of all email messages becomes a provable written record on which disputes or irregularities can be resolved. Without such records such disputes may take a turn towards potential litigation. And collection of payments on loans can be troublesome. Again proof of delivery and proof of content of notices goes a long way toward minimizing disputes and getting payments made on time. To put it bluntly, anyone who uses normal unsecured email in lending transactions takes a lot of risk.
Fortunately, RMail service protects lenders and borrowers alike. As a borrower, whether a person or a company, you should insist upon secure email to protect your privacy and security. If you’re a lender, with the strict government regulations affecting your lending practices, you will always want to be able to prove that you met the requisite regulations without error. The RMail suite of services gives both borrowers and lenders the capability to keep track of lending transactions well.
RMail service meet the most stringent government and industry requirements of conducting the lending business online.
Alas, this is just a small sampling of businesses that can and should use secure email in the normal course of operation. If your particular business circumstances aren’t covered here, at least you will get an idea of how other businesses are using RMail service for security, record keeping, disclosure, document signing, and the like to accelerate business, comply with regulations, and do so at a low cost.

