RMail Inbox automatically encrypts your email for transmission to your email server. This certainly lowers the risk of hacking but does not minimize the risk. As mentioned in Chapter 5, this is an incomplete security measure because you have no control over how the recipient processes their email. Only by using a process that encrypts email for the entire path between you and the recipient can you minimize the risk of hacking.
If you’ve never had a migraine headache, trying to understand encryption is good way to get your first one. It’s a complex field within the digital realm populated by high-level mathematicians and élite digital specialists. Just to understand how to implement encryption for email between you and a recipient is one of the most complicated task you might face in your use of email.
RMail Message-Level Encryption
Fortunately, you don’t have to understand or learn anything. RMail Message-Level encryption takes care of it all for you. This is not the automatic encryption featured in RMail Inbox and RMail Web. You must choose to send encrypted email for each message that you want to send with this hackproof method of encryption. It doesn’t happen automatically.
Encryption Terms As mentioned in Chapter 4, RMail uses the technical term RPX for this type of encryption. It’s a 256-bit AES encrypted (commercial strength) PDF processed in such a way as to be convenient to use with email. In this book I use the term Message-Level encryption to describe it.
RMail Message-Level Encryption Covers the Entire Email Path
You choose a password for the recipient to access the encrypted message. You then transmit the password separately to the recipient. You might do this by separate email. More secure would be by phone, instant messaging, or another one of the communication functions outside the email system itself.
Your email and any attachments are encrypted on your computer. They remain fully encrypted until they reach the recipient’s computer. The recipient then uses the password (you sent) to see the unencrypted email message. It’s simple, bombproof security. Although a hacker might intercept the encrypted message, the message is unreadable. There is an infinitesimal possibility of a hacker seeing the information protected.
But RMail Message-Level encryption makes it even easier. If you choose not to provide a password to your recipient, RMail Message-Level encryption will provide the password for you. The way this works is that recipient receives an email message with instructions on how to retrieve the password from the RMail server. The recipient then accesses the server, gets a password, and uses the password to open the encrypted message.
If you simply send one email message or an occasional email message to one person, letting RMail provide the password is your most convenient option. But if you send encrypted emails to someone on a regular basis, it’s more convenient for you and for the recipient to use the same password that you provide over and over again. Over and over again doesn’t mean forever, but it means for an extended period of time until it’s prudent to change it.
Or, you can let the recipient decide what password to use. They can create their own RMail password. Once they do, their password will override a password that you or the system creates for them.
More Convenience In RMail Inbox, RMail Web, and the plug-ins, you can set it up so that all your email is sent Message-Level encrypted. This can get expensive, however, as RMail charges for each email message encrypted.
If you’re worried about compliance, RMail encryption complies with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and other commercial and governmental encryption procedures. RMail returns a registered receipt record for proof of encrypted delivery for each message. This satisfies any compliance audit.
It Doesn’t Get Any Better
As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, encryption is a complex topic. The fact that this chapter is so short and that this encryption is such a powerful means of security should be a strong clue to you that the RMail Message-Level encryption service buys you a huge amount of convenience while at the same time providing maximum security. For the utmost in email security and simplicity, it doesn’t get any better than this.