RSign is a separate service from RMail services, and you have to sign up for it separately at the RSign website ( It’s designed to enable recipients to make text inputs as well as signatures. You import your document into the design feature of RSign then add a digital input to each fill-in blank in the document, including the signature input.
For instance, most legal documents (forms) will require inputs of text plus a signature at the end. This is true of such documents as purchase orders, contracts, surveys, applications, agreements, etc. The text inputs might be date, company, name, address, etc. Further along in the document there might be fill-in blanks for products purchased, quantity, etc. Some documents might have four or five fill-in blanks while others might have dozens and dozens of fill-in blanks.
The program that sets up your form is called the design function of RSign. Calling this the design function of RSign might be a little bit of an exaggeration, because when you create a document with fill-in blanks, that’s really the design. The RSign design function merely enables you to activate those fill-in blanks digitally so that the document becomes an active digital document.
Other RMail services are straightforward, easy to learn, and easy to use, but RSign requires a bit more learning in order to use it effectively. But as they say, it ain’t rocket science. It’s easy for anyone to learn.
What happens once you finish your active digital document? It resides in your account at the RSign website. You send an email to the recipient giving them password access to the document. Recipients find the document easy to use. They just log in, fill in the blanks, sign, and log out.
Naturally your document complete with the RSign fill-ins can become more than just one document for one recipient. You can use such a document over and over again. Such a document can be a template for all your recipients.
But What about E-sign? Remember, there’s a word function in E-sign. A recipient can enter a word(s) as well as a signature. How does this differ from RSign and RForms? With E-sign, the recipient types in the word(s) and then moves it to the proper place in the document. With RSign and RForms, the recipient types words directly into the blank entries in the document.
Those businesses that are highly organized and have a huge amount of repetitive business can incorporate RSign into an automated system. RMail provides such enterprises with the appropriate APIs (application programming interface) to do so, and an enterprise can use the RSign mechanisms within its own system. Or to put it differently, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. RSign is ready and waiting to provide you the digital features you need for active digital documents.
Small Businesses
Moreover, small businesses can profit from using RSign too. It’s an economical way for small businesses to use a crucial function that is otherwise available only in expensive enterprise software.
Legal Proof
Keep in mind that RSign is legal proof of the transaction embodied by the document. And it’s secure; only the recipient has the password to access the document.
Bottom Line
RSign is another, albeit separate, service of RMail that enables secure “paper” processing in an online digital system. Appropriate for both large and small businesses, it’s another way to streamline procedures and accelerate results economically and with rock-solid security.